Fidelity's 2021 Capability Guide

By Jake Fischer |

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Have you been trying to find the best printer in Nashville? The United States? The WORLD? Well, look no further. You’ve found the perfect home for your next print- we’re Fidelity Offset. To learn why we’re the best, check out our 2021 Capability Guide. Inside, you’ll find tons of information about our skills in Commercial Printing (from brochures to postcards), as well as our advancements in warehousing and distribution. To download this amazing guide, click HERE, or use the button below!

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While you’re here, read an open letter from Jake Fischer, the leader of our Fidelity Marketing team.

An Open Letter from Jake:

Dear Fidelity Friends,

Whether you’re new to our team, a long-time customer, or are just thinking about printing with us, welcome! When you’re a client of ours, you’re family. We’re glad you’re here.

As you download our 2021 Capability Guide, we hope you take a second to enjoy that our team specifically designed every detail for you. After all, our print company is designed for nothing but pure efficiency for you and your marketing team in every campaign.

While scrolling through the pages of our book, recognize that our company is essentially built on one large pivot. Whatever you need, however you need it, and whenever you need it, we can make it happen. The pages in our guide are simply that, a ‘guide’. We truly feel, that to better serve you, our team should be able to solve any print or distribution problem you have, regardless of its commonality. Simply give us a call with how we can help!

As every custom print, brochure, and postcard leaves our Nashville warehouse, we take pride in the quality of our Tennessee Craftsmanship. We know that there are cheaper printing options out there, many of which derive from overseas. Our local printers know the value of each campaign and take great pride in understanding your individual needs before final production. The quality and personalized service you receive while with Fidelity is what we hope represents the undying American spirit of grit, determination, and unmatched quality in every detail.

Next time you print with us, pride yourself in knowing that the postcard in your hands, the brochure on your desk, and the business card in your wallet are all handcrafted with you in mind.

With the understanding that this point in our nation’s history is incredibly difficult for many of the companies that we support, we want to offer our total assistance in any way possible. As companies in Nashville and the United States continue to recover from the effects of natural disasters and the global pandemic, we want to ensure that we are here to offer our support in whatever way we can. If there is anything that you feel like Fidelity Offset can do to help you get back on your feet, please let us know. It is our duty as a company to offer our partners and surrounding community the opportunity to grow and rebuild through the use of colorful print.

Fidelity will always be here for you and your team. Fidelity will always be American-made.

All the best,

Jake Fischer, Marketing Lead

Welcome to Fidelity Offset, Nashville’s Premier Commercial Printer! Looking for a real human to talk to? We’re ready to help! Give us a call to get started on your next print campaign! Call Us at (615) 244-9200 or Send Us an Email at

Looking for Nashville’s premier commercial printer? We’re here for you! Whether you need brochures, direct mail postcards, informational packets, banners, flyers, offset, digital, or variable printing for your business, we’re ready to help. Our commercial painters are experienced in bulk-quality for some of Tennessee and the United States' largest corporations. When you’re ready to commercial print, we are too!